The Border Dispute

The border dispute between India and China is older than the republics of India and China themselves. One war, 2000 deaths, and 44 rounds of negotiations later, the dispute has become a complex cauldron of mistrust, egos, and misunderstanding on both sides. 

The boundary negotiations are the longest in modern history. The rap sheet includes:
  1. 8 rounds of senior-level talks between 1981 and 1987
  2. 14 Joint Working Group meetings between 1988 and 2002
  3. 22 rounds of talks between Special Representatives since 2003
Why is the dispute so 'unresolvable'? Why does it never enter mainstream public discourse in either country? Why is it that India and China are still unable to figure out where one ends and the other begins?

Posts about the Sino-Indian border dispute on this blog:

You Scratch my Back, But I Won't Scratch Yours

A Brief History of the Sino-Indian Border Dispute and the Role of Tibet

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